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Customer And User Experience

 Customer experience is defined as the results that are achieved after communication between an organization and a client after a given period of a relationship. It can also be defined as the secretive or interior replies of the customer to the organization which can either be direct or indirect. The customer can be involved in a different level of experience for instance physical, emotional, and spiritual or at rational levels. Customers respond differently, for instance, they would respond in a certain way when involved directly with the company and in another totally different way when involved indirectly with the company. Direct contact means that the customer was there physically and may have been the one who had begun the purchase. Indirect contact means that the client may have got information about the company through advertisements, recommendations or critics which have to be face to face and encounter with sales agents which might have been accidental.


On the other hand, user experience consulting refers to the emotions and approaches of an individual about a certain product, system r service. It can also be defined as the perception of a person a certain service, how it is used, how easy or hard it is to use it and the effectiveness of that service. User experience keeps on changing from time to time due to changes in user circumstances.


Brands with better customer experiences are outperforming their competitors. Companies that wholeheartedly focus on the experience of the customer enjoy benefits such as less advertising expenses. They also experience greater brand awareness, more predictable revenues and reduced churn among customers and the employees. Companies that deliver better customer experiences operate more profitably than their competitors. Great customer experiences start with understanding what your customers care about most. Learn properly which promises are most important to your customers then align your company to make and ensure you meet them.


You need to listen to the customers. The kind of products you are dealing with affects the customer experience journey of the customer. They have to be original so as to fulfill the needs of the person using them and so that they can serve them for long without disappointments. This will create an inward satisfaction in the user. They will show more interest in the products you are dealing with since they are assured that they are not counterfeit. This is one of the ways of winning the trust of your clients.

The user must be able to trust and believe in what I what you are dealing.Make sure you were telling the truth about your products.

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